
Agree with previous comment by Michael G, the writers are desperate to make Felix the villain but he didn't do anything wrong, and it honestly makes it a frustrating episode
Sara Stanley is the reason I watch this show. ????
Sara Stanley in Joomla Article
Gerald Freehold
When Hetty says that Felicity has a passion to be a doctor, she says it as if she were saying, "She has a tumor."
Gerald Freehold
I don't think Eliza had a "One True Love," I just think she likes to tell stories.
Eliza Ward in Joomla Article
Personally, I think RTA would have been very interesting if Hetty had become a serial killer.
I don't like Stewart and I definitely don't like Cecily.
At least Cecily's put back in her place again babysitting kids.
Episode 7.1: Out of the Ashes in Joomla Article
Haha, at least I can more easily see this one running the farm.
Episode 6.13: Homecoming in Joomla Article
Robust Cecily is too much. She should have run off with one of the Newsy boys.
Episode 6.13: Homecoming in Joomla Article
"You can't expect large eggs from a small bird's behind"~~Hetty
Episode 2.7: Family Rivalry in Joomla Article
Just wait until Avonlea has to handle the Punjabi workers....
Nikki Carter
This episode is painful to watch. The show would be better if they left it out.
Episode 5.2: Memento Mori in Joomla Article
Nikki Carter
But is there any evidence the device worked?
Alan B
Why even bother with Cicely. They could have easily left her out.
I guess Cicely taking on the King farm will be easy with her new found strength.
Episode 6.3: Christmas in June in Joomla Article
Who is going to run the King farm now?!!
Episode 5.9: Thursdays Child in Joomla Article
Alan B
Where is Cecily?
Episode 4.13: Hearth and Home in Joomla Article
Hetty is so stupid in this episode but I still love it.
I don't care for most of this episode but the end makes up for all.
It's like every gossip gets worse. You see Rachel Lynde the first time and you think she's awful. Then you see Clara Potts and you think oh, no Rachel isn't that bad. Then you see Ullele Bugle and you're like oh Rachel and Clara are angels.
Revenge on Donny Lester. I think why they used him instead of Nat was mostly because he can almost be considered good looking ( you know, before he opens his mouth) and Nat really can't. Also, empty vessels make the most noise Donny Lester.
I wish someone would also Donny Lester in the face every time I see him, but he gets knocked a bit in the next episode. Also I'm not sure why Izzy doesn't want to kiss Felix now that he finally figured out that she loves him.
I hate Stuart McRae but this is probably entirely because I think Gus is absolutely awesome. Stuart is nice but I agree with Felix "he's not the man Gus Pike was."
Episode 7.1: Out of the Ashes in Joomla Article
I never watched this one. I read this description, saw the name Nat more than once and promptly said nope.
Episode 6.7: A Fox Tale in Joomla Article
I like Wiley Lester. Also, in the 'memorable quotes' section, they should have finished the "Now my oldest Nat there... He's inherited my good looks" quote. The rest of this line is "... It's a good thing too because the boy's as dumb as a bag of hammers."
In this episode we have a Scottish owner, French cook, German housekeeper, and a bunch of Islanders. Nice diversity.
This Cecily is one of the worst replacements they possibly could have picked. The ONLY similarity that I can see is that they both have blonde hair.
Episode 6.3: Christmas in June in Joomla Article
I like this one a lot, but nat Lester is intolerable.
Episode 6.2: Lonely Hearts in Joomla Article
How does Eliza even know about the ruby ring if Gus got it from a treasure that Captain Crane found with him?
I don't think Gus was in character in this episode. He had too many rude lines.
The best laid plans o' mice and men gang aft agley
Episode 5.10: Best Laid Plans in Joomla Article
I liked the 'longly woman' line.