
Sara Stanley and Uma Thurman

Sara and Uma share such a striking resemblance that they had to have been switched at birth! (Note: Sarah Polley and Uma Thurman were both featured in Terry Gilliam's The Adventures of Baron Munchaussen (1988))

Gus Pike and Huckleberry Finn

Gus and Huck are both self sufficient bare-foot wanderers who smoke a pipe, enjoy fishing and sailing, struggle against a drunken villainous father, journey into a cave where treasure is hidden, were presumed dead and were both switched at birth! (Note: Huckleberry Finn is from 'Pike County.')

Izzy Pettibone and Scout Finch

Both Izzy and Scout (From To Kill A Mockingbird) are tom boys who sport similiar hair styles, fight with boys, are known by their nick-names and were switched at birth! (Note: Izzy and Scout are from fictional towns that have a basis in reality. Scout comes from Maycomb, a fictional representation of Monroeville, Alabama).

Anne Shirley and Annie

It's easy to see how Anne and Annie were switched at birth with such similiar names. These red headed waifs both became orphans and were sent to live with people who initially reject them because they were expecting a boy. Both struggle for their keep and are eventually accepted by their charges.

Simon Tremayne and John Steed

The proprietor of the White Sands hotel and John Steed, from the British television series 'The Avengers' were both sophisticated secret agents who were experts in etiquate and fine wine. Unlike Steed however, Simon retired to the unexciting life of hotel manager.
Note: Lady Blackwell, shown with Simon Tremayne from the episode The Disappearance, was played by Diana Rigg, who also played Emma Peel, John Steed's quirky partner in the 60s television series The Avengers.
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There are many similarities between The Wizard of Oz and Road to Avonlea. Sara and the King cousins follow a golden road; in Oz, Dorothy and her friends follow a yellow brick road. The roads lead the travellers on a journey that promises knowledge and ultimately leads to maturity. The lead protagonists, Sara and Dorothy at one point want to go home and wear slippers that make them wish they were home.

Now I'm not saying that if you play the Avonlea CD while you're watching Wizard of Oz it will coincide with the movie the way Dark Side of the Moon does, but the similarities are striking none the less.

And yes, there are incidents of individuals who were switched at birth!

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Pat Frewen and the Cowardly Lion

Let's face it, Pat Frewen is just as cowardly as the lion. In the episode, 'It's Just A Stage,' Pat is initially too cowardly to confront Pigeon Plumbtree about his romantic intentions, until he misinterprets Sara Stanley. The lion is also led down a deceptive path when he follows Dorothy's advice.
The pig farmer and the lion even have a similar dance. Here Pat demonstrates the running man while the cowardly lion does the yellow brick shuffle.

Hetty King and the Wicked Witch

There are wicked witches who inhabit both Oz and Avonlea. In the episode Witch of Avonlea, Felix refers to Hetty as a witch after having a nightmare that his school teacher made him wear a dunce cap. Also note how Hetty beat Jasper with a broom when he tried to elope with Olivia (The Ties That Bind).

Peg Bowen and the Witch of the North

Of course, there are also good witches. Peg Bowen is considered to be a witch by the Avonlea children and yet she performs good deeds, similar to Oz's witch of the North.

Jasper Dale and the Scarecrow

The villagers considered Jasper to be dim-witted and clumsy, similar to the Scarecrow. However, we later find that both Jasper and the scarecrow may be clumsy, but are not as dumb as they seem. In 'Home Movie,' Jasper helps reveal the consequences of Dunnsville while the Scarecrow learns that the Wizard is not what he seems.
And I thought Ted Kennedy was the only person who could get a degree without attending class. Are we expected to believe that a degree made the scarecrow smart? How can you trust a guy who was already revealed as a phony?

Clive Pettibone and the Tin Man

I don't know if you can get a stiffer personality than Clive Pettibone's. He could have used a good quart of oil at times just to break an awkward smile. Clive could also use a heart, judging by his lackluster proposal to Muriel in 'The More Things Change.'
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Peter Craig and Peter Brady

Seldom have there been two wimpier characters than Peter Craig and Peter Brady. Whenever there was a time to speak up for himself, Peter Craig would cower and cry in the corner. Peter Brady was equally as wimpy when he was wimping out of fights and selling sunflower girl cookies.

Cecily King and Cindy Brady

Cecily may not have had a doll called Kitty-Carry-All, but she was definitely known to tote about her share of dolls, just like Cindy Brady. Cecily and Cindy were both the youngest of their broods (with curls, or braids) and were switched at birth!

Ed Lawson and Moe

Ed Lawson and Moe from 'The Simpsons' own businesses that become central meeting areas for some of the main characters of their shows. Although they were switched at birth, it's unlikely that Moe would tolerate sewing circle gossips or temperance movement "cheap skates."

Davy Keith and Dennis the Menace

Davy and Dennis are both trouble making menaces who obnoxiously annoy their old grouchy neighbors. While Dennis annoys Mr. Wilson, Davy Keith annoys Mr. Harrison.

Booth Elliot and Lumpy

Apparently, A Star Wars Holiday Special aired that was so awful, George Lucas reportably said that he wanted to break every existing copy with a hammer. The special featured Chewbacca's so-called son Lumpy, who judging by his long mangy hair and appearance, could only have been switched at birth with Booth Elliot!
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Monopoly, Road to Avonlea style.


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Jamie and Chelsea's Avonlea
The Journey Begins: A Road to Avonlea Fan Listing
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Road to Avonlea: The Eighth Season
Road to Avonlea Fan Fiction at
Harmony's Road to Avonlea Fan Fiction

Online Reading

Anne of Green Gables
The Story Girl
The Golden Road
Chronicles of Avonlea
Further Chronicles of Avonlea


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The biggest problem with this episode is that Felicity's storyline should've been a bigger focus for...
I don't understand how the writers couldn't come up with better stories for these characters, I can ...
Awful episode, really a misuse of Eugene Levy IMO, it felt awkward when I think it was trying to be ...