Season 5
Season 5

Time Frame: 1908-1909
Felix lashes out against his father and rejects the notion of becoming a farmer. Hetty turns 50, but the celebration is soured when her writing contract is cancelled and she must endure a risky operation. A visiting politician offers Alec an opportunity to run for office, but Alec questions the politician's shady dealings. Sara realizes that much of Davey's troublesome behavior is caused by his inability to read. Jasper and Olivia purchase the cannery and apply modern ideas to impove efficiency. Cecily falls ill with tuberculosis and Janet must make a difficult decision whether to send her to a sanitarium.
Episode 5.1: Fathers and Sons

Alec begins to pressure Felix to one day run King Farm. Felix rejects plans to be a farmer and lashes out against his father.
Episode 5.2: Memento Mori

The King family plan a surprise party to celebrate Hetty's 50th birthday. The birthday plans go astray when Hetty falls deathly ill and must require surgery.
Episode 5.3: Modern Times

Hetty purchases the cannery to prevent H.B. Dunn from converting it into a distillery. Jasper and Olivia are determined to run the cannery but must overcome their own financial difficulties.
Episode 5.4: A Friend in Need

Olivia discovers that Izzy is outgrowing her tom boy appearance and convinces Clive to buy his daughter a dress.
Episode 5.5: Stranger in the Night

Alec considers making drifter Caleb Stokes a permanent hired hand, but problems arise when a traveling salesman reveals the stranger's true identity.
Episode 5.6: The Great Race

Felix enters a steeple race during the harvest fair, which causes much concern for Janet.
Episode 5.7: Someone to Believe In

Felix becomes interested in the politician's daughter Adeline, but becomes suspicious of her when money starts disappearing from the hotel.
Episode 5.8: Strictly Melodrama

Janet wins the lead role in the regional drama competition, but when a famous actress visits Avonlea, Hetty gives the lead role to the actress.
Episode 5.9: Thursdays Child

The King family are devastated when Cecily contracts tuberculosis. Alec and Janet must make a painful decision on whether to send Cecily to a sanitarium.
Episode 5.10: Best Laid Plans

Olivia seeks out Jasper's cousin, businessman Jeremiah Dale, who arranges investments to mass produce a new material Jasper created.
Episode 5.11: Otherwise Engaged

Gus proposes to Felicity and she must make a difficult choice between marriage and medical college.
Episode 5.12: Enter Prince Charming

The new reverend's son becomes interested in Sara and introduces her to rag time music. Sara deceives Hetty and goes to an Acadian celebration.
Episode 5.13: The Minister's Wife

Viola and Janet cause a town uproar and the church committee calls for John Elliot's resignation.