Friendship is threatened when Felix replaces Izzy with Nat Lester to purchase a fox farm.
Teleplay: Laurie Pearson
Story: Jim Henshaw
Director: Kit Hood
With: Nigel Bennet as Enoch Caine, Kevin Jubinville as Nat Lester, Kay Tremblay as Eliza Ward, and Heather Brown as Izzy Pettibone
Original CBC Airdate: February 26, 1995
Time Frame: Fall 1909
Synopsis: Felix and Izzy have plans to start their own fox farm. Their friendship is threatened when Felix must replace Izzy with Nat Lester in order to secure a business loan. Problems arise, when Nat begins to exclude Felix in his business ambitions.
Felix discovers that Digger is a good fox hound (it's about time he was good for something) and is able to acquire two foxes. In light of Digger's abilities, Felix and Izzy decide to go into business and own their own fox farm.
Felix has to take on a new business partner, Nat Lester, who is old enough to secure a loan. Nat refuses to take on a third partner and Izzy is ousted from the business. This puts tremendous strain on Felix and Izzy's friendship.
Felicity attempts to warn Felix that his ambitions will lead to ruin, which harkens back to her disapproval of Felix's delivery service in Felix and Blackie.
Matters turn sour when Nat begins to go into business for himself, making extravagant purchases and excluding Felix's name from his business card. Felix confronts Nat about his excess spending and they brawl in the street.
When Nat shows two potential buyers the fox farm, he is shocked to find that the foxes escaped from the wire fencing. He blames Felix, but it's soon discovered that Digger found a way to crawl into the fox's area and they escaped (So much for being useful).
Felix is able to patch up his friendship with Izzy. Together, Felix and Izzy are able to find and sell the two foxes and break even.
Rhetorical Questions
Isn't Felicity really grouchy?
Wasn't it weasily for Nat to exclude Felix from his business card?
Wasn't it stupid for Nat to show that same card to Felicity, knowing that she's Felix's sister?
Memorable Quotes
"Felix, this is no time to be indulging in one of your hair brained schemes." -Felicity King
"That's what friends are for stupid." -Izzy Pettibone
"I didn't do it for the money stupid. I did it for you." -Izzy Pettibone
Sap Meter: 1
Playfully teasing the pending relationship between Felix and Izzy.
(1) The Avonlea Chronicle has now been converted into the P.E.I. Provincial Bank. There is no mention as to what happened to the newspaper or post office.
Grade: A
This is a fun bittersweet episode.
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