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Episode 7.2: Love May Be Blind... But the Neighbors Ain't - 5.0 out of 5 based on 6 votes

Felix and Izzy's friendship is threatened when a rumor is spread that Felix kissed Izzy.

Writer: Raymond Storey 
Director: Allan King 
Special Guest Stars: Gema Zamprogna as Felicity King and R.H. Thomson as Jasper Dale 
With: David Ferry as Stuart McRae, Heather Brown as Izzy Pettibone, and Marilyn Lightstone as Muriel Stacey 
Original CBC Airdate: January 14, 1996 
Time Frame: July 1911


An argument occurs over whether or not to include canoeing at the Dominion Day's celebration. Hetty and Ullele are strongly opposed to canoeing, but they are clearly outnumbered in votes.

Hannah Hubble arrives from Moncton and immediately becomes a nuisance, hilariously referring to both Hetty and Olivia as "dear." Jasper becomes preoccupied with the possibility of conducting research in Cambridge and Olivia believes that he is not content with their marriage.

After a canoeing outing, Felix awkwardly attempts to kiss Izzy, but Izzy avoids his advances. Donny Lester and Elbert pry into Felix's relationship with Izzy. Izzy is stunned when Hannah and Donny inform her that a rumor is spread around town that Felix kissed her.  She confronts Felix about the rumor and after Felix is unable to think of a good enough defense, Izzy refuses to speak to him.

Olivia breaks down in a conversation with Felicity and thinks that she is holding Jasper back from accomplishing higher goals. While prying, Ullele misinterprets Olivia's conversation and believes that the Dales are getting a divorce.

At the Dominions day celebration, Felix tries to win back Izzy's trust, but she tells him that it will require "deeds," not "words." Jasper informs Olivia that she is not holding him back and a reconciliation is reached between them.

In a shocking scene, Felicity removes Gus's ring and accepts Stuart's engagement ring!



Rhetorical Questions

Isn't Donny just like a Nat clone?

Wasn't it funny how Pierre was in Rachel's canoe?

How shocking was it for Felicity to remove Gus's ring?

Memorable Quotes

"From what Felix says, you are the snuggle-up queen of Avonlea." -Donny (to Izzy)

"It takes deeds Felix, not just words." -Izzy Pettiebone

"It's pride that got you into this corner. You maybe have to lose some pride to get out of it." -Alec King

Sap Meter: 5 

Felicity says that she keeps Gus in her heart. Janet tells her that she believes that "people are meant to go through life two by two." Some pillow talk between Jasper and Olivia was pretty sappy.


(1) This episode was shown back to back with the previous episode to kick off the final season premier.


The gossips are in full force in this episode.


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  • Newbie

    So many Lesters.

    Oh god...m-m-m-m-m-more J-J-J-Jasper in this ep-ep-ep-ep-episode. You know, I went back to look at the first episode he was in, and he stuttered like maybe 3 or 4 times the entire episode. And each time was maybe 2 or 3 repeats. Not every other freaking word and he stutters so loooong over a word feel like fast forwarding until he gets it out! Has his life been so bad since he "came out" that his stutter increased THAT much?

  • I just don't see where Felix is at fault. His response to Donny and Elbert, “That boys, is the kind of question a gentleman doesn’t answer” is a neutral comment for probing inquiries in affairs of the heart. It’s the obnoxious Donny, along with the belle of Moncton, Hannah Hubble, who spread scandalous rumors about Felix and Izzy. They are the real villains in the episode. Instead of being made to pay in the end for their transgressions, they skate by. Izzy even asks Elbert, who earlier failed to back up Felix’s version of things, to walk her home, right in front of Felix. Oh the ignominy! In this episode, the writers showed Felix to be an honorable young man. He told Donny at the soda fountain, “It’s not right to trifle with a girl if you’ve got no proper interest.” Yet, Felix is met with an undeserved fate.

    Classic Hetty moment that almost goes unnoticed is when fellow townsperson, Ada Hubble, pays Hetty a compliment. "Isn't that a smart, new outfit. I see you too have succumbed to the latest style." Hetty looks incredulous as she responds with a disbelieving, "What?" It felt like it was the first time Hetty had been told she was wearing something fashionable.

    Comment last edited on about 6 years ago by Timothy
  • You're right Michael, Hannah and Donny never get what's coming to them in this episode. The series does have a history of antagonists getting away (Mr. Beedy steals school funds in Story Girl Earns Her Name and no consequences). If I remember correctly, I believe Hannah gets fed up with Donny in a later episode and walks out on him. Thanks for the reminder about the Hetty and Ada interaction. It was probably a shock to her.

  • Commenter

    I wish someone would also Donny Lester in the face every time I see him, but he gets knocked a bit in the next episode. Also I'm not sure why Izzy doesn't want to kiss Felix now that he finally figured out that she loves him.

  • Julia

    Agree with previous comment by Michael G, the writers are desperate to make Felix the villain but he didn't do anything wrong, and it honestly makes it a frustrating episode

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