Abernathy (first name unknown)

First Mention: 1.1: The Journey Begins
Abernathy was an accountant who fled after embezelling funds from Stanley Inports, leaving Blair Stanley as the prime suspect of the crime.

Alexander Abraham

First Appearance: 1.3: The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's
Alexander Abraham was quarantined with Sara, Felix and Rachel Lynde after his hired boy fell sick. Alexander's messy and reclusive behavior conflicted sharply with the tidy disciplinarian Rachel Lynde. The unlikely pair settled their differences and surprisingly become good friends after the ordeal.

Captain Aims

First Appearance: 6.1: The Return of Gus Pike
The captain and his wife Charlotte allowed Gus to board at their residence on Brisko street in Halifax. Gus worked on the Captain's ship.

Charlotte Aims

First Appearance: 6.1: The Return of Gus Pike
Charlotte and her husband allowed Gus to board at their residence on Brisko street in Halifax. Mishap ensued when Felicity spotted Gus and Charlotte frolicking in a Halifax market place. Felicity soon discovered that Gus was not involved romantically with Charlotte.

Amature Astronomers League of Munich

First appearance: 7.7: Total Eclipse
Visited Avonlea to observe the eclipse of 1911. The league stayed at King farm when Felix converted it into a guest house.

Mr. Ambrose

First appearance: 5.3: Modern Times
Banker of the Hillsdale bank where Jasper worked before managing the cannery.

David Amsbury

First Mentioned: 1.10: Felicity's Challenge
Amsbury was the Representative of Avonlea for at least three terms from 1901-1903. During the 1903 election, he was strongly favored over Judson Parker.

Andrew, the Duke of Arranagh

First appearance: 4.8: Heirs and Graces
Andrew's half brother, Simon Tremayne, had been considered illegitimate when his father had previously married a commoner. He quickly remarried a more suitable ide and Andrew was born, eventually claiming his father's title as the Duke of Arranagh. Andrew went to Oxford and lost contact with his half brother. In winter 1907, Felix King presented royal plates found in Simon's possession to the Duke, who was visiting P.E. Island. Andrew immediately found Simon and offered his half-brother the throne. Simon renounced the offer, leaving Andrew to remain Duke of Arranagh.

Harmon Andrews

First Appearance: 1.10: Felicity's Challenge
An opinionated villager, Harmon Andrews would often help out at harvest balls and shared a remarkable resemblance to Stuart Mcrae.

Annie Jane

Gus Pike departed Avonlea in winter 1908/1909 when his old sea mate, Matt O'Donnel, offered him a position on his ship, 'The Annie Jane.' (5.11: Otherwise Engaged)

Aqua Vacuum

An invention of Jasper Dale's. (6.6: Great Expectations).

Jim Armstrong

First Appearance: 2.6: May the Best Man Win
Jim Armstrong was a farmer who had lost his wife and was raising his son Teddy. He scolded Jasper and Olivia for trespassing on his property, but would later thank Jasper for saving his son's life after Teddy fell down a well.

Teddy Armstrong

First Appearance: 2.6: May the Best Man Win
Teddy was the son of Jim Armstrong. Teddy's father forced him to quit school to help tend the farm. He fell down a well, but was saved by Jasper Dale.

Avonlea Chronicle

The Avonlea Chronicle was a Tyler family owned Newspaper Company. In the first season, it was located in Markdale and faced difficulty while competing with the rival Charlottetown paper for advertisers. The Chronicle received a much needed economic boost when Olivia King and Jasper Dale uncovered an intriguing story of lost love concerning Arabella King and Mr. Tyler's father, William (1.12: The Hope Chest of Arabella King).

By the summer of 1904, the Chronicle moved into the town of Avonlea next to the post office. The paper was threatened yet again that summer when Carmody stole all the top advertisers by undercutting Chronicle costs. Olivia once again rushed to the rescue by convincing Nathaniel Hardy that his company must advertise for the Chronicle (2.5: Old Quarrels, Old Love).

When Olivia was suspected of stealing school renewal funds from the Avonlea Chronicle safe, Jasper rigged a trap with his camera to set up the real culprit (2.10: Dreamer of Dreams). In 1909, the Chronicle building was converted into the P.E.I. Provincial Bank.

Avonlea Town Hall

Originally, the town hall was located in Markdale, but was eventually seen next to the church.

Avonlea Avengers

The town hockey team. When Avengers coach Archie Gillis began setting height standards for the Avengers, former Avenger Alec King started a new team, the Misfits to challenge the Avengers. In an upset, the Misfits defeated the Avengers. (2.13: Misfits and Miracles).


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The biggest problem with this episode is that Felicity's storyline should've been a bigger focus for...
I don't understand how the writers couldn't come up with better stories for these characters, I can ...
Awful episode, really a misuse of Eugene Levy IMO, it felt awkward when I think it was trying to be ...